National Singles Day Has Moved… to September!
In an act of singles-celebrating solidarity, National Singles Day has changed its date, moving from its former January 11th (1.11) spot to the last Saturday of National Singles Week, observed each year during the third week of September.
“We are very excited to join forces with National Singles Week,” said Karen Reed, National Singles Day’s Founder and Executive Director. “September is when the Census Bureau releases its data on singles and single lifestyles, so it only makes sense to move our Singles Day celebration to coincide with the national data update. And what better day to do it than the last Saturday of National Singles Week!”
“This year, National Singles Day will focus on publicizing the change of date and sharing the Census Bureau’s latest statistics on single life, since many media outlets still ignore it. September 2017, we kick off the new combined National Singles Week and National Singles Day holidays as one – stay tuned!” So mark your calendars, Singles Day 2017 is Saturday, September 23rd, 2017!
Following are the official Census Bureau statistics for 2016. Click here for the infographic!